This Is What ROI Looks Like
Creative Direction / Art Direction
[ Challenge ] Nielsen's Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) is known within the advertiser/agency world, but they don't know why they need it.
[ Objective ] Develop an upper funnel digital campaign to promote DAR to advertisers and agencies in the US. Educate the buy side of the media world about why they need DAR.
[ Approach ] Tie our measurement solution benefits to principles that these marketers & business people really care about such as: Validating your media investment / Offering cross-platform, deduplicated metrics / Showcasing actual impression frequency / Enabling you to optimize across all digital channels / Reaching numbers are an early indicator of sales / Creating insights that drive in-flight optimizations. All in all, advertisers don’t associate DAR with "ROI" - We visualize what ROI looks like.
Video Ad
Static Ads
Content Piece
Creative Director: Hugo Burton
Art Director: MeiLing Lu
Copywriter: Vanessa Machir
Video Editor: Natalie Palumbo
Graphic Designer: Ivan Sandoval, Ady Chang
Content Creator: Avery Driggers
Project Manager: Josie Hines